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Tonal Essences tracks in 2020




This page lists the Tonal Essences tracks released in 2020.


Click the following to see the track released in other years

2022  2021 2019



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Beat Synthesizer
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Olympus Mons by Tonal Essences


The new track called “Olympus Mons” by Tonal Essences is out now.


Olympus Mons is the largest volcano in our solar system and is on Mars, It is about two and a half times the height of Mount Everest and it covers an area almost the size of France. The volcano's outer edge consists of an escarpment, or cliff, up to 5 miles tall. Due to the wide area of this volcano and the curvature of the planet Mars if you are located at the base of the volcano you will not see the summit as it is over the horizon.


While composing this track I tried to imagine being in a future spacecraft on Mars at the base of Olympus Mons, you look at the reddish Mars landscape around you as you take-off from the surface climb over the cliffs and start flying up the gentle slope as you climb higher up the volcano travelling over different types of terrain. Eventually, you reach the summit where the Martian atmosphere is much thinner and you fly on into the darkness of space.


Sit back, relax and imagine you are there, hope you enjoy the ride.


To listen to “Olympus Mons” and all my other tracks for free just click to go to YouTube or  Spotify or download the track now from your favourite music download store like Amazon.


Resonance by Tonal Essences


The new track called “Resonance” by Tonal Essences is out now.


The title Resonance came to mind as instruments use resonance to create their type of sound, such as vibrating strings etc. A number of the sounds I used in this track come from the Arturia Pigments 2 synth, but I also used a number of free synths such as the Ample Percussion Cloudrum and the Eventide Pendulate.


While creating the Resonance track I tried to capture the idea of resonance in the music, but as resonance is rather a vague term other images may come to mind as you listen to the track. Either way, I hope you enjoy it.


To listen to “Resonance” and all my other tracks for free just click to go to YouTube or  Spotify or download the track now from your favourite music download store like Amazon.


Clouds by  Tonal Essences


The new track called “Clouds” by Tonal Essences is out now.


This music began by experimenting with different sounds in the Arturia Pigments 2 synth I have as a VST plug-in in my Studio One digital audio workstation. The result of these experiments produced an ethereal sound that made me think of clouds and was used in the backing to this Clouds music.


While producing the lead melody I tried to imagine how clouds are comprised of tiny water droplets and/or ice crystals all forming those different shape clouds and also sometimes resulting in thunder and rain.


To listen to “Clouds” and all my other tracks for free just click to go to YouTube or  Spotify or download the track now from your favourite music download store like Amazon.

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“Strange Times” by Tonal Essences


The track called “Strange Times” by Tonal Essences is available online to listen to or download.


This music began by experimenting with different Midi melodies on different instrument tracks with no particular music idea in mind. I was also interested in trying out different effects and automation in the Digital Audio Workstation (DAW). Eventually, this track started taking shape, but without a title.


I had hoped that in these unprecedented lock-down times in 2020 I would be able to make more music but the opposite seems to be the case, not sure why. I thought these are strange times and with that, the title “Strange Times” for the track came about and shaped its final arrangement.


To listen to “Strange Times” and all my other tracks for free just click to go to YouTube or  Spotify or download the track now from your favourite music download store like Amazon.

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Just Dreams by Tonal Essences


The track called “Just Dreams” by Tonal Essences is available online to listen to or download.


I started writing this music by experimenting with some MIDI instrument sounds one of which was called Just Dreams. The title stuck with me while writing this music, but I eventually did not use that sound in this piece of music.


While writing this music I imagined both dreams while you sleep and also how daydreams allow your mind to just wander where it takes you.


To listen to “Just Dreams” and all my other tracks for free just click to go to YouTube or  Spotify or download the track now from your favourite music download store like Amazon.

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 Paul's Day by Tonal Essences


The Tonal Essences track called “Paul’s Day” is out now and available online to listen to or download.


I created this track a few years ago and only recently decided to do the final mastering of the track so it could be released. This music came about while I was thinking about a friend named Paul who was a warehouse manager near an airport at that time. I imagined Paul’s day starting when he arrived at work with aircraft passing overhead. I thought about all the products coming and going to and from the warehouse and all the logistics involved in the process. There would be busy times and quieter times in the day as shipping containers arrived and were unloaded then lorries being loaded and sent on their way etc. (listen out for a lorry reversing tone in the track!). Finally, after a busy day, you hear Paul leaving work and going home.


It just seems amazing that this type of activity is going on all of the time all over the world keeping shops and businesses stocked with the products they all need. At this point in time (2020) it reminded me how important activities like this and many others are in keeping our societies ticking over. 


To listen to “Paul's Day” and all my other tracks for free just click to go to YouTube or  Spotify or download the track now from your favourite music download store like Amazon.


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Aurora Borealis by Tonal Essences


The track called “Aurora Borealis” by Tonal Essences is available online to listen to or download.


The Aurora Borealis also called the Northern Lights is a fantastic light show caused by the collisions of electrically charged particles released from the sun that enter the earth’s atmosphere around the magnetic north pole and collide with gases such as oxygen and nitrogen in the atmosphere.


I started writing this music by experimenting with some of the sounds in the Arturia Pigments 2 software synth. As I did this the sounds I chose sounded ethereal which made me think of the shimmering Northern Lights. I imagined the sun going down the stars coming out and then the Aurora Borealis light show starts. You can understand how ancient people imagined the lights were spirits in the sky.


To listen to “Event Horizon” and all my other tracks for free just click to go to YouTube or  Spotify or download the track now from your favourite music download store like Amazon.


Event Horizon by Tonal Essences


The track called “Event Horizon” by Tonal Essences is out now and available online to listen to or download. .


The term “Event Horizon” is used to describe the concept of the point around a black hole in space beyond which no radiation including light can escape, a point of no return. While writing this music I started with the title “Event Horizon” and tried to imagine the swirling chaos of energy and matter around a Black Hole before it moves across the event horizon.


I also started using the Arturia Pigments 2 synth software and have used a number of these synth instruments in the Event Horizon tune.


To listen to “Event Horizon” and all my other tracks for free just click to go to YouTube or  Spotify or download the track now from your favourite music download store like Amazon.


The above are just the tracks released in 2020, or click the following to see the track released in other years 2023

2022  2021 2019


Or click the following link to see where you can stream or download Tonal Essences music.


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